Open Air Campaigners
Staff Calendars

OPEN  AIR CAMPAIGNERS - USA / Box D / Nazareth / PA / 18064

Who's doing what, where are they, where will they be?  Answers to these questions and more can be found on this page!  Wondering where our International President will be ministering next month?  No problem, simply check out his calendar below.  Thinking about sending a team for ministry but not sure if any staff will be available in that area?  If the staff are using the Google calendar, you can soon find out.

Not signed up for Google calendar?  Find out more here..



* Robert Siakimotu - OACI President

* Rob George - OACI Vice-President

* David Wilson - Overseas Ministries Director

* OAC International Events



* Paul Adams / Mark Kennedy - Baltimore, MD

* Eric Briscoe - Boston, MA

* John Cutlip - Nazareth, PA 

* Bob Ewerth - Philadelphia, PA

* Chip Wolfe - Nazareth, PA




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