BARTIMAEUS (aka He Calls You)  
Based on Luke 18:35-43

 This true story took place in Jericho , known as the "city of palms." There are five points to the story (in English they all begin with B). See if you can guess the points as they come. Tell me the name of a man in the Bible that begins with a "B." BARTIMAEUS. Something was wrong with Bartimaeus ... he got up in the morning and tried to find his clothes ... and his white walking stick . . . What was wrong with him that starts with a "B?" He was BLIND. He couldn't be a farmer or a carpenter, so every day he would go down near to the city to call upon people to give him some money ... he would cry, "Money for the blind," What was he doing? He was begging ... He was a BEGGAR

 One day something wonderful happened in Bartimaeus' life, which could also happen in your life today. He met the Lord Jesus. He was sitting by the road begging, when suddenly he heard a crowd coming. He began to ask those nearby what was happening. They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. Bartimaeus began to think . . . "Wasn't He the One who cleansed the leper ... who walked on the water . . . who raised the dead? . . . Maybe He could make a blind man see!" Do you think He could make a blind man see? Yes! Bartimaeus cried out, "Jesus ... have mercy on me!" The people told him to be quiet "He is not interested in a poor, blind beggar!" Do you think Christ was interested? Yes! Don't let anyone keep you from calling on Christ. Bartimaeus kept calling, "Jesus ... have mercy on me!" Christ stopped. He told a man to bring Bartimaeus to Him. The man came to Bartimaeus and said these words, "HE CALLS YOU." Bartimaeus came quickly to Christ, who said, "What do you want me to do for you?" "Lord, I want to receive my sight."  "Receive your sight; your faith has made you well." Immediately Bartimaeus could see, and the first person he saw was the Lord. If you put your faith in Christ, the first One you will see after you die is the Lord. What did Bartimaeus do to receive his sight? He put his faith in Christ, or he BELIEVED. Do you think that he went back begging? No! He followed Christ, praising God. The people also praised God. He was very happy, or BLESSED.

 Christ went on to Jerusalem , where He died on the cross for our sins. The One who had the power to do miracles, did not have to die, but He did because He loved us. He died for Bartimaeus, for those people, and for you. Three days later He rose from the dead, and is here by His Spirit today.



 Blind: Bartimaeus lived in a world of darkness. Without Christ, we are going to a place away from God in outer darkness forever.

 Beggar: Bartimaeus was very poor and probably did not have a home of his own. Without Christ, we are poor because we do not have a home in heaven.

 Believe: The Bible says that if we truly believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and call upon Him to save us from our sins, He will forgive us and give us eternal life. (Romans 10:13, John 3:16).

 Blessed: As we follow Christ, He will give us inner happiness, a new life, and a home with Him in heaven.

That was the last time that Christ ever passed through Jericho . If Bartimaeus had not called on Him to help him that day, he would have later died a poor, blind beggar. Today, Christ is passing by here. He calls you. Right now, you can come to Him and believe. Then one day you will see Him in heaven.


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