How to Pray / Serve / Give

OPEN  AIR CAMPAIGNERS - USA / Box D / Nazareth / PA / 18064


Called to PRAY? We depend on you!

Are you called to SERVE? We can help you!

Called to stay and GIVE? We welcome your gifts!
Direct giving  |  Electronic Funds Transfer  |  Credit Card  |  Wills

In less than 100 years we will all be in eternity. Many things that we now think are important will then have lost their meaning. What investment can we make that will have eternal results during our brief pilgrimage on earth? The answer to this question is found in the words of Christ, who said, �For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?� He saw the soul of each person as having infinite value. When He looked on the multitudes, He was moved with compassion. He saw them as sheep without a shepherd, heading for a lost eternity. That�s why He gave His life on a cross for their sins and ours, so He could offer His priceless gift of salvation to all who will believe. His final words after His resurrection were to command His followers to proclaim this good news of forgiveness and eternal life to the whole world. Today, while millions of lost souls are perishing in spiritual darkness, His compassion and command are still the same. He asks us to pray for laborers to work in His harvest fields. In answer to our prayers, the Lord has sent us laborers from here in the States and within countries where many have never heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. 

Our vision at Open Air Campaigners is to preach the Gospel to lost people and mobilize the body of Christ, primarily through effective open-air outreach.  By following the example of Jesus, we attempt to communicate the Gospel of Christ by going out to where the people are, on their territory, and present the precious truth of salvation through Christ alone.  We conduct such outreach decently and in order with a deep desire to stand in the gap between the church and the world.  

There are several ways your partnership with us in making this possible would be a blessing to your life, our ministry and to the glory of God.  Here are a few avenues of vital involvement for your consideration. 

We need your prayers. The opportunities and challenges to reach the lost at universities, schools, projects, downtown business areas and wherever people gather are many.  Opposition from our enemy is very strong, but greater is the One we serve than all of Satan's forces combined!  God uses the prayers of His people to overcome every obstacle, so we value your faithful prayers as we attempt to discern the Lord's leading in all we do.

Jesus placed a priority on prayer for mission work when He said:

"The fields are ripe to harvest. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. PRAY the Lord of the harvest to send forth workers into His harvest field."

Christ showed the need--the plentiful harvest.
Christ showed the problem--few workers
Christ showed the solution--Pray!!

If you would like to receive our prayer requests, feel free to contact our Nazareth office for a current list.


Many opportunities arise for committed Christians to assist in our work, from the simplest office task to accompanying us on ministry trips here in the States or around the world. Please feel free to contact us at any time, and let us know your specific interest so that we can consider how your talent can be employed for the good of the Kingdom.


Open Air Campaigners is a non-profit organization, dependent upon God for its resources. We believe that He has established this ministry and will continue to provide for our needs through the gifts of His people. Each OAC missionary raises his own support, and since we are not a church,  we ask our Christian friends to support their local churches first. Then we ask people to prayerfully consider giving to our ministry as well. 

To assure proper control over finances, as well as all other Open Air Campaigners related ministries, we are governed by a board of directors whose policy is carried out in a practical manner through an efficient Management Team concept.  We are members in good standing of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability which holds a high standard for financial and organizational integrity. An independent audit of our books takes place each year by a certified public accountant outside of our organization and is available upon request.

Your support would be greatly appreciated, and when you give, you will do so with the full knowledge that every dollar is a valuable investment for God�s Kingdom around the world. There are different ways in which you can assist us financially; some of these are listed below:


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