What Others Say

OPEN  AIR CAMPAIGNERS - USA / Box D / Nazareth / PA / 18064

A word from our Central Services Director
(John Cutlip)

The following testimonies are by no means a desire to draw attention to ourselves but to give glory to God at what HE has been doing in and through the lives of people led to us for effective open-air training and outreach ministry.  Without God's strength, wisdom and empowering, NOTHING would be accomplished in the open-air to His glory.  We are just happy to be instruments in the Lord's hand to reach out and share His free gift of salvation to those around us in this lost and dying world.


"From the very first year here, our new church has benefited powerfully from the work of the Open Air Campaigners. Over the past six years, we have had a number of people added permanently to our church ... we have met James, an American Indian, who has recently brought with him a friend. We have met Lisa, a young Hispanic mother who has since then brought her three children, her mother, and brother. We have met a very talented businessman, Kent, who is very visibly on the road to church leadership, and even an award-winning worship leader and his wife from Berkeley School of Music! These are actually just a few of the outstanding contacts ... who have not only come and stuck with us (some for years!) but have brought more people in along with them ... Is the ministry of the Open Air Campaigners effective and powerful in reaching people and putting them into churches? Yes! My church is living and indisputable proof."

Pastor in Boston, Massachusetts

"We have been sending a team of young people (ages 13-18) ...through the Open Air Campaigners for about a decade now. The training has been excellent, relevant and practical ... As a leader, the most thrilling benefit is seeing those trained gain greater and greater confidence in sharing the Gospel with others."
Youth Pastor

"I can honestly say that of all the programs we have used to build devoted Christ followers, nothing compares to the impact of the OAC missions trips. Through these trips, hearts have been broken for the lost, eyes have been opened to the reality of God and many have considered going into the ministry full-time. Since our first trip to Brazil in 1994, we have had 62 students exposed to the OAC international ministry. These are individuals who can point back to Brazil or Paraguay as being a definite moment when God spoke to them about ministry. We estimate that about 50% of our students are either pursuing missions or involvement with ministry full-time."

Youth Pastor


"As Director of Christian Service at Lancaster Bible College, one of the goals in educating and preparing our students for ministry is for them to have practical skills in personal evangelism.  For the past sixteen years, Lancaster Bible College has utilized the services of Open Air Campaigners to model evangelism ministry and train our students to be tactful ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

Each semester, special weeks of evangelism are scheduled in which staff from Open Air Campaigners lead our college in urban street evangelism.

In addition, for the past twelve years, Lancaster Bible College and Open Air Campaigners have co-sponsored a one-week seminar in personal evangelism.  This seminar combines over twenty-five hours of instruction with twenty-five hours of ministry application.

As a college, we appreciate the enthusiasm and training Open Air Campaigners brings to our campus.  I highly recommend the ministry of Open Air Campaigners."

William L Kabasenche
Director of Christian Service
Lancaster Bible College

"...Thank you so much for exposing our students to your heart for God and people and different methods of reaching the lost.  One student already used the rope illusion in a recent outreach.  Many mentioned that they learned so much because they were able to see you in action and not just talk about it in class ... I look forward to planning again for next year..."

Stephen R. Bradley
Associate Dean for Ministry Skills Development
Columbia International University

"...Philadelphia College of Bible has been working together for the sake of the Gospel with Open Air Campaigners since 1982 ... We are extremely grateful that OAC has provided an excellent practical experience for our students to "live out" what they are learning in the classroom.  The evangelism training they receive with Open Air Campaigners is top-notch and we are confident these lessons will last far beyond the students' college enrollment."

Donald K. Martindell
Director of Student Ministries
Philadelphia Biblical University

"Students have benefited from their witnessing experiences, having left their comfort zone to go and face the unsaved community around them."

Philip S. Bena, Professor
Washington Bible College


�My summer with Open Air Campaigners was one that I will never forget!  To see how the Gospel changes lives of people is truly an awesome experience.

Open air was a challenging ministry that required me to step out of my comfort zone in my Christian life.  When I was really nervous, I had to rely totally on God to be able to preach and witness effectively.  I came to realize that it was at those times when I relied totally on God, that He used me the most.  Open air is a ministry that taught me how to rely on God in everything I do.  I learned things that summer in Los Angeles that I have been able to apply to all aspects of my Christian life.

My summer of service was one that challenged me spiritually and caused me to grow in my relationship with Christ.  I encourage you to take a summer and get involved in a summer of service with Open Air Campaigners.

Greg Cheney

�Not only did I acquire skills and techniques, but I also deepened my love for Christ and my desire to see His Gospel be preached to the lost. The preciousness of the truth of His Word became more real for me as it was proclaimed publicly.� 



"As a result of our training, I grew closer to God in two weeks than I had in two years, thanks to OAC.  I saw God like I never had before.  I shared God like I never had before.  And to think, four years ago I would have been standing in the crowd laughing at the guy at the sketch board."  

Chad Farley, Student
Lexington Baptist College

�I enjoyed Open Air Campaigners because it is an appealing, formidable and equipping method of evangelism reaching people where they live, work or play. Prayer, plans and people are used to the glory of God�

Patricia Levitan
Boston Police Office

"We had a lot of good conversations and many tracts went out. The seminar really helped me to get over my shyness about approaching people on the streets. It felt good to be involved.�

Pat Robb
Ottawa, Canada

�Since I went through the open-air training seminar, I have gained valuable knowledge in personal evangelism.  I learned to do evangelistic preaching using a sketch board and other techniques which hold people's attention in order to minister in the open air.  I am looking forward to using these skills as I lead an LBC Ministry Team to Jamaica this summer.  If I can do street evangelism, anyone can!� 

Jim Sherman
Lancaster Bible College

"This seminar has been the most profitable week of evangelism training that I have ever taken.  It gave me the tools to train a team of young people before we left for a missions trip to Guatemala.  The Lord used open-air evangelism skills to reach many people in Guatemala"

Manuel Morales

The stories continue, God is still working ... stay tuned for more testimonies!


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