OPEN  AIR CAMPAIGNERS - USA / Box D / Nazareth / PA / 18064

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A word from our Personnel Development Director

(Rev. Robert J. Ewerth, Jr.)

One of the most dangerous times in a Christian�s life is when things are going WELL! Dangerous because apathy, complacency and luke-warmness can easily overtake us. We often need to be thrust into spiritually stretching experiences to keep on the cutting edge of our spiritual walk with the Lord.

Open-air evangelism can be one of these stretching experiences. It allows people to be thrust into situations where dependence upon the Lord is absolutely necessary. Trust will cease being a passive concept and become a dynamic reality in the lives of those who are ministering on the front lines of evangelism.

God is at work today in the open air! You can be trained in effective, open-air evangelism to share the Gospel side-by-side with experienced OAC staff. Trusting God for a time of open-air ministry will produce significant spiritual growth. In fact, you will never be the same! Whether coming as an individual or with a group, first hand involvement out in the harvest field will be life changing. If you are willing, God can use you in proclaiming His message of salvation to this lost and dying world.

Evangelists on staff with OAC make it a priority to not only do the ministry, but find faithful men and women who they can teach to do the work as well. This training consists of some lecture and workshop instruction, with the vast majority of time spent in �on-the-job� open-air ministry. Special seminars are held periodically to provide training in all phases of open-air work.

And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ..."   (Eph. 4:11,12)

Short on time?  Have a need to learn some practical tips on conducting effective open-air outreach?  Looking for a way to not only hear what should be done, but see it put into action?  Then consider a one-day open-air evangelism seminar.

Morning:  OAC evangelist will give practical training in how to share the Gospel one-on-one with people who have little or no understanding of salvation by grace.  Various methods and literature will be demonstrated which will give the believer confidence to enter into on-on-one conversations.  Being a good listener and using the Ten Commandments are also keys to successful personal work.

Afternoon:  After lunch and a time of prayer, your team will be led to an area where open-air meetings can be held.  The team will assist in gathering a crowd.  One of the evangelists will then preach the Gospel and team members will be able to engage people one-on-one.

Late Afternoon:  A debriefing time back at the church will allow team members to share their experiences.  This is also a valuable time of teaching and discipling, which often results in praise and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What Just One Day Can Do For The People Of Your Church
    Develop experience and confidence in sharing Christ in everyday situations.
    Increase faith in the promises of God
    Witness the Holy Spirit giving you on-the-spot wisdom for different situations.
    Create a greater burden for the lost.
    Gain practical experience which will assist you in any church visitation program.
    Provide counseling experience to assist those who respond to church alter calls.

Contact an OAC branch of your choice for further information or to schedule a one-day seminar

One-day seminar information offered by our OAC BOSTON branch


Cost for the week during 2007 was $250 which included training, lodging and meals at a beautiful private bed & breakfast home and transportation to and from local open air meeting locations during the session week.   (Click here to register now for the Boston seminar).

LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA  -  2008 details coming soon
Hosted by Lancaster Bible College, the cost for the 2007 training was $345 which included all training, lodging at the school, meals in the LBC cafeteria and transportation to and from local open air meeting locations during the session week. The school handles all the registration and paperwork for this time of instruction.  Contact Lancaster Bible College to request registration form or obtain additional information.

WASHINGTON D.C.   -  2008 details coming soon
Hosted by Washington Bible College, the cost for the week during 2007 was $300 which included all training, lodging at the school, meals and transportation to and from local open air meeting locations during the session week.  Click |HERE| for more details or contact Paul Adams.  To register online, click |HERE|

Need more than one day of training and not able to join us for the June seminar?  No problem.  Simply contact one our OAC staff nearest you to set up a tailor-made time of training.  Many times we are able to work out exactly the type, intensity and location of training you have in mind.

Feel free to also visit our ministry page where we describe in detail how you can become involved in an "on-the-job" short-term ministry intership experience. 


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