"From the very first year here, our new church has benefited powerfully
from the work of the Open Air Campaigners. Over the past six years, we have
had a number of people added permanently to our church ... we have met James,
an American Indian, who has recently brought with him a friend. We have
met Lisa, a young Hispanic mother who has since then brought her three children,
her mother, and brother. We have met a very talented businessman, Kent,
who is very visibly on the road to church leadership, and even an award-winning
worship leader and his wife from Berkeley School of Music! These are actually
just a few of the outstanding contacts ... who have not only come and stuck
with us (some for years!) but have brought more people in along with them
... Is the ministry of the Open Air Campaigners effective and powerful in
reaching people and putting them into churches? Yes! My church is living
and indisputable proof."
-Pastor in Boston, Massachusetts
"If I had to list the top five things that God has used to build
me spiritually, my experience working with OAC when I was 15 years old would
definitely make the list. Eighteen years later I am still involved in their
ministry as a layman."
- Matthew
Create a Strategy for Reaching Your Jerusalem

Church team with OAC evangelist at joint outreach
We can come to your city, town, or village and help you design an outreach strategy to you reach your hometown. The strategy always begins in prayer because we can do nothing without God and need His guiding and leading to reach people. As evangelists God has called us to equip the saints so that each individual can more effectively reach people in their own sphere of influence. Included in the plan for reaching your community we give classes in evangelistic motivation, relational evangelism, communication skills, object lessons and visual aids, apologetics, and, answering objections.
Through the experience of participating in open air evangelism, many believers find a boldness and enthusiasm for winning souls that they had never known before.
Kids’ Bible Clubs
One of the ways we reach communities is through weekly Bible Clubs. These Kids’ Bible Clubs become a link to the parents that potentially lead to the beginning of an Adult Bible Study. We can come to your church and show you how to get a Kids’ Bible Club started that will reach your community. Then we will supply the training and access to the resources to get your Community Bible Club started. The design of this program will utilize your people with their spiritual gifts to make a sucessful Kids’ Bible Club. We will also help you with the initial outreach and then you can continue from there. OAC will continue to be available to help you with any hurdles you may encounter and we would love to visit from time to time as guest teachers.

Block parties provide your church with an opportunity to reach your surrounding community
Block Parties
One of the ways to introduce your church to your community is through a block party. This is accomplished by inviting the community to your church property for food, games (moon bounces, dunking machines, etc), music, drama, testimonies, and a Gospel presentation. We will help you design a program utilizing the people and their spiritual gifts to accomplish this outreach. We will supply the preaching. You can provide an information booth with information on all your ministries and Bible studies that are available to the community. This is a good place to announce and provide a sign up for a weekly Kids’ Bible Club.