![]() Testimonies:“As a result of our training, I grew closer to God in two weeks
than I had in two years, thanks to OAC. I saw God like I never had before.
I shared God like I never had before. And to think, four years ago I would
have been standing in the crowd laughing at the guy at the sketchboard.” “I enjoyed Open Air Campaigners because it is an appealing, formidable and
equipping method of evangelism reaching people where they live, work or play.
Prayer, plans and people are used to the glory of God.” “We had a lot of good conversations and many tracts went out. The
training really helped me to get over my shyness about approaching people on the
streets. It felt good to be involved.” “Since I went through the open-air training, I have gained valuable
knowledge in personal evangelism. I learned to do evangelistic preaching
using a sketchboard and other techniques which hold people's attention in order
to minister in the open air. I am looking forward to using these skills as
I lead an LBC Ministry Team to Jamaica this summer. If I can do street
evangelism, anyone can!” “This training has been the most profitable week of evangelism training
that I have ever taken. It gave me the tools to train a team of young
people before we left for a missions trip to Guatemala. The Lord used
open-air evangelism skills to reach many people in Guatemala.” Sketchboard Evangelism TrainingWe believe strongly in obedience to the Great Commission, and we are eager to help others who are like-minded. We offer several formal One-Week Sketchboard Evangelism Training (SET) each year that individuals or groups may attend. Interested churches or groups can also contact us about arranging a training program for them, in the form of a customized one-day or multi-day training. A word from our Personnel Development Director![]() Rev. Robert J. Ewerth, Jr. One of the most dangerous times in a Christian's life is when things are going WELL! Dangerous because apathy, complacency and luke-warmness can easily overtake us. We often need to be thrust into spiritually stretching experiences to keep on the cutting edge of our spiritual walk with the Lord. Open-air evangelism can be one of these stretching experiences. It allows people to be thrust into situations where dependence upon the Lord is absolutely necessary. Trust will cease being a passive concept and become a dynamic reality in the lives of those who are ministering on the front lines of evangelism. ![]() Our training combines classroom instruction with lots of practice and practical application. God is at work today in the open air! You can be trained in effective, open-air evangelism to share the Gospel side-by-side with experienced OAC staff. Trusting God for a time of open-air ministry will produce significant spiritual growth. In fact, you will never be the same! Whether coming as an individual or with a group, first hand involvement out in the harvest field will be life changing. If you are willing, God can use you in proclaiming His message of salvation to this lost and dying world. Evangelists on staff with OAC make it a priority to not only do the ministry, but find faithful men and women who they can teach to do the work as well. This training consists of some lecture and workshop instruction, with the vast majority of time spent in “on-the-job” open-air ministry. Special training is held periodically to provide training in all phases of open-air work. “And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ...” (Eph. 4:11 & 12) |