OAC Donation Station
Thanks so much for allowing the Lord to encourage our staff through you in this way. We can assist in this process by contacting our office or you can do it yourself on this page.
If you prefer to send your gift by snail mail, simply make the check out to "OAC" and mail to PO Box D, Nazareth, PA 18064 with a little note letting us know what staff, project or branch you would like to support.
UPDATE ONLY: If you need to update your card or bank information, you can do that by clicking HERE.
If you prefer to initiate your gift online through this page, please feel confident in knowing that the information you are about to provide to make an online donation will be processed using secure transaction protocol. This means information you provide, such as your name, credit card or bank details, are encrypted so that they cannot be read or intercepted by other people.

Donate to an overseas OAC project or staff person in another part of the world.
contributions to Open Air Campaigners are income tax deductible with the
understanding that OAC has complete control over the use of all donated funds.
The amount of your contribution which is deductible for federal income tax
purposes is limited to the excess of the amount of money you gave us over the
value of goods
provided by us (if any) in return.
