![]() John & Sue CutlipON STAFF SINCE 1980![]() Sue and I grew up together in the town of Thompson located in Northeast Ohio. We are thankful for parents who saw the value of making sure we were active in a local church. Through the years, we were involved in several different areas of ministry. I remember being active in the worship services, choir, youth group, Sunday School and ushering activities. In later years, I was able to even help lead some of the activities. No doubt about it, God was using these formative years at the church to prepare for future ministry. During my high school years, I worked at the local grocery store in Thompson. While there, a teenager two years younger than myself named Mike Crandall began to share with me about Christ and the forgiveness He offers. It was during this time, at the age of 18 that I acknowledged my spiritual need and trusted the Lord. Mike was best man at my wedding and has served full-time with Campus Crusade for Christ as a missionary being used of the Lord to influence many others for the cause of Christ. After graduating from Ledgemont High School and then Lakeland Community College, Sue and I were married and spread our wings for regions beyond. I was accepted as a student at Moody Bible Institute and we moved to downtown Chicago where we lived in the married students' housing on campus at the school. I attended classes while Sue worked in the Dean's Department as a receptionist. We were introduced to the ministry of Open Air Campaigners (OAC) while studying at Moody. God used the training at Moody Bible Institute combined with experience working at the local grocery store in Thompson as good foundation for future ministry to which He would eventually lead. Combined with Sue's experience as a legal secretary, we were perfectly equipped to come on staff with Open Air Campaigners full time in July of 1980 to be involved in front-line evangelism and at the same time develop and maintain the administration, scheduling and follow-up for the New York City Branch of the work. Since the birth of our first son, Christopher, in 1982, Sue and I agreed that she would devote her full-time energies at home, caring for and home-schooling our three children. Shannon was born in 1986 and Chad in 1987. We moved from the greater New York / New Jersey area to a town named Nazareth in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania in 1989. I am currently Director of the Central Services office here in Nazareth, Pennsylvania (about 75 miles north of Philadelphia and 80 miles west of New York City) which provides administration and other practical services needed by the front-line staff. From time-to-time, I also conduct evangelistic ministry, training and field assistance to staff here in the States and overseas. We are very involved in an awesome local church called Calvary Baptist of Bethlehem and are grateful to God for the spiritual nurture received through this local body of Christ. In recent years, God has allowed me to use science presentations as "Mr. C" as a venue in sharing Christ. The goal of my presentations are to provide exciting, fascinating, and memorable scientifically based object lessons to teach biblical truths. Each event has been designed to both engage the audience with science God created and emphasize a strong biblical message. The result is a dramatic and stimulating presentation, perfect for use in Sunday school classrooms, youth groups, VBS, camps, retreats, home schooling, boy scout meetings, birthday parties, open-air meetings and other events. We mail out a regular newsletter which can be sent to you freely upon request. We also try to keep folks informed monthly through a short and to the point email update which is also available upon request. We are grateful to God for raising up churches and individuals who pray and give financially so we can stay on the job. New supporters are always welcome. Each gift is full tax-deductible when made out to OAC and sent to PO Box D, Nazareth, PA 18064. Online donations are also available by clicking here. Anniversary: 7/31/76 BIRTHDAYS: Links for the Cutlips' ministry: